Montag, 4. Februar 2013

when January ends and February begins - a snapshot

Practicing skateboarding - at least try to, cold winter wind in the face, mountains on the horizon, rainy birthday - couldn't be any better, being vivid, making mistakes - intentionally, realizing that some mistakes are unavoidable - should not be avoided - must not be avoided - cannot be avoided, venturing more, daring more, risking more, overcoming fear, being brave(r), being afraid of risking to much, starting to like - nevertheless, not want to be disappointed - again, want to be want, longing to be liked backed, snow on the skin, day dreaming, being best friends - enjoying to be best friends, being happy to have a best friend, practicing snowboarding - at least try to, accepting challenges, dreaming, laughing, having doubts - for short moments or even longer ones, opening up, being lonely - sometimes, rushing water, snow on the fields, snow underneath, listening, being there for each other, being there for others, valuing friends - and letting them know, valuing in general, living, being free, not thinking - from time to time, dancing, thinking too much - every now and again - mostly in the wrong moments, wanting more, feeling music, feeling, concentrating, wanting more, feeling free - seizing those moments, wanting more, dreaming of journeys, planning journeys, looking forward to coming home, being happy to be at home, feeling alive, being - simply being.